Deconstructing Thought Forms
Bachelor degree project, Konstfack 2021
Box made by Norrmalms Kartongfabrik
Bachelor degree project, Konstfack 2021
Box made by Norrmalms Kartongfabrik
A box with three books deconstructing the content to make the idéas in the book Thought Forms (1905) accesible to todays readers. Thought Forms is written by the theosophists Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater which idéas about form and colour inspirer early abstract paintings such as Hilma af Klint and Wassily Kandinsky.
Images of each book:
Deconstructing Thought Forms: The Figures
Deconstructing Thought Forms: The Colours
Deconstructing Thought Forms: The Shapes
Read more about the project on Konstfack´s website.
Awarded with Svensk Bokkonst 2021.